ECE Course

Course Details:
Eligibility Criteria B.Tech/M.Tech/Diploma
Course Duration 2 Months
Certificate Will be Provided

Session 1

Embedded Systems Basics

To understand the role and Importance of Current Embedded Systems Industry. To learn embedded systems basics.

Skill set

SOC, Embedded C, Boot sequence, Types of Embedded Systems

Topics to be covered

Embedded Systems Basics

Current Trends in Embedded Systems

Session 2

ARM Cortex M4 Controller

To understand ARM Cortex M4 processor and STM32F401RBT6 Microcontroller.

Skill set

ARM Cortex M4 Architecture, ARM Assembly, startup code, Interrupt vector table, I/O Mapped I/O, Memory mapped I/O, Boot sequence, Timers, Clocks, Interrupts

Topics to be covered

ARM Cortex M4 controller.

Overview of STM32F401RBT6 Microcontroller.

RaaynMini Board Specifications.

Session 3

Setup Embedded Development Environment

To learn how to write an Assembly and Embedded C program on ARM Cortex M4 processor and Setup Embedded Development Environment.

Skill set

Embedded C, Assembly Language, Startup Code, Keil IDE, STM32 Cube

Topics to be covered

Embedded C vs General C

Embedded C Framework

Startup Code in Embedded C

STM32F401RBT6 Boot Sequence

Setup Embedded Development Environment.

Practical Demo

Install Keil IDE, STM32 Cube MX and STM32 Board support packages and drivers.

Setup RaaynMini Board Configuration using STM CUBE MX.

Session 4

Interface an external switch and LED using GPIO Controller

To Learn, What is GPIO and GPIO applications and how to interface an external switch and LED using GPIO controller. Practical demonstration on how to read and write GPIO Controller registers.

Skill set

Device Controller, GPIO Controller

Topics to be covered

Basic concepts of Input and Output ports.

STM32F401RBT6 GPIO Controller.

How to initialize GPIO Controller and access data from GPIO Controller.

Practical Demo

LED Processor-LED interface Block diagram. Demonstrate LED device application Keypad Processor-Keypad Interface Block diagram. Demonstrate Keypad device application GPIO Interrupt

Session 5

Interface Monochrome Character LCD

To Learn, How to interface LCD and implementation using embedded c program.

Topics to be covered

LCD Specifications & Initialization flowchart

STM32F401RBT6 Timers to generate delays.

Practical Demo

STM32 based embedded system application using LCD demonstrating.

Session 6

UART Controller

To Learn, How to communicate or control I/O devices user space and How UART Interrupts works.

Skill set

Device Controller, UART Controller, Interrupts

Topics to be covered

UART Communication Protocol.

STM32F401RBT6 UART Controller.

How to initialize UART Controller and access data from UART Controller.

Practical Demo

UART Troubleshooting: Software & Hardware Loopback To send character from host system (Teraterm) to target board using UART communication protocol. Implement UART Rx Interrupt.

Session 7

Communication between two STM32 boards

To Learn, How to communicate two microcontrollers using UART Communication protocol with polling and interrupt mode.

Skill Set

UART Polling and Interrupt. Blocking call vs Non-Blocking Call

Practical Demo

In First board press Sw1 then second board Blink RED LED to communication 2 boards using UART.

Session 8

IoT Architecture Bluetooth interface with UART

Connect a HC04 Bluetooth controller and communicate with android app.

Skill Set

Overview of HC05 Bluetooth module. Setup Development Environment for HC05.

Practical Demo

Using Android App to control LEDs on target board using UART communication protocol.

Session 9

Wi-Fi Interface with UART

Connect a ESP 8266 Wi-Fi controller and communicate with an access point.

Skill Set

Sensors, ADC, Wi-Fi, Access Point

Overview of ESP8266 Wi-Fi controller

Setup Development Environment for ESP8266

Wi-Fi web Application

Practical Demo

To send temperature value to cloud using ESP8266 Wi-FI Module